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06.03.2017, 17:24
Die University of Rochester bietet einen sechswöchigen Online-Kurs an mit dem Titel
Fundamentals of Audio and Music Engineering: (https://www.coursera.org/learn/audio-engineering/home/info) Part 1 Musical Sound & Electronics (https://www.coursera.org/learn/audio-engineering/home/info)

Kursbeginn ist der 27.März 2017. Der Unterricht erfolgt in englischer Sprache.

Soweit ich es begriffen haben, sind Registrierung und Teilnahme kostenlos. Gegen eine Gebühr von Euro 45,- gibt es ein Zertifikat.

Weil es ein Hochschulkurs ist, werden zur Teilnahme gewisse Voraussetzungen erwartet. Es sollten u. a. ausreichende Mathematikkenntnisse vorhanden sein. Ein Selbsttest ist hier zu finden.

Das Kursprogramm sieht so aus:

View the video lectures listed for each week. Consult the Course Schedule for information regarding when lectures, tests, and the final exam will be available.

Week 1
Lesson 1: Introduction to wave propagation, simple oscillating systems, sound pressure, sound waves, the speed of sound, wavelength, frequency and wavenumber, sound pressure level, and auditory directional cues.
Lesson 2: Electronics fundamentals - charge, current, voltage, resistance, Ohm’s law, DC circuits, finding currents and voltages in simple circuits

Week 2
Lesson 1: Reflection and absorption of sound, resonances in air columns, resonances in enclosures and rooms, diffraction of sound, reverberation.
Lesson 2: Power, impedance matching, operational amplifiers, voltage buffer, inverting amplifier

Week 3
Lesson 1: Mathematical fundamentals for AC circuit analysis, phasors
Lesson 2: AC signals, capacitors, inductors, impedance, AC circuits and AC circuit analysis, simple filters (high-pass, low-pass, band-pass)

Week 4
Lesson 1: Electric guitar electronics, pickup design, volume control circuits, tone control circuits, pickup placement, frequency content and tone, wah pedal, talk box
Lesson 2: Converting electrical signals to sound – loudspeakers.

Week 5
Lesson 1: Designing speaker enclosures, basic principles, interaction of speaker driver with the cabinet, why a cabinet at all? Closed-box speaker design.
Lesson 2: The ported / bass reflex speaker design.

Week 6
Lesson 1: Overview of a simple guitar amplifier, preamp, volume control, tone control, gain and distortion, tube circuit distortion, power amp section.
Lesson 2: Building the guitar amplifier, how to solder, getting the amp to work - systematic testing and troubleshooting.